Sell with Confidence
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Tools we LOVE!

Buyer checklist – we love this.  A simple checklist, designed for buyers.  Download, print and take these with you to your Open For Inspections so you can easily jot down the things you love about the property, or the things you would change.  It makes comparing the multitude of properties you have seen in a day much easier.

Stamp Duty Guide– when purchasing a property, you need to set aside additional funds to cover Stamp Duty costs. You can use this guide to consider how the purchase price reflects stamp duty.

8 steps to a stress free property purchase – Buying a new property is an exciting time, but can quickly become overwhelming. This guide can help to put you in the best position to get the place you really want.

Loan pre-approval – do you have a pre-approval to put an offer in on a property? Work with our Loan Market Brokerso you are ready to buy the property you love.

Why use a “Loan Market” broker – Brokers take an impartial view on the hundreds of loans on offer and work with you to match the right loan to your goals and financial position. (Loan Market is a member of the White Family Group of Companies.)